Sunday, March 31, 2013

The YSA 72 Hour Kit

Here is the handout from the recent Oregon Trail activity. Use + Enjoy.

The YSA 72 Hour Kit

·         3 gallons of water (don’t use old milk containers to store)
·         3 days’ worth of non-perishable food (things that don’t need to be cooked; get cans that don’t require a can opener)
·         Important documents (Identification, bank account, and insurance documents) in a sealable plastic bag
·         $50-$100 Cash (this could pay for gas and/or a hotel stay)
·         Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
·         First aid kit (disinfectant, gauze, medical tape, aspirin, any medications you currently take
·         Flashlight and extra batteries
·         Radio and extra batteries
·         Duct tape for shelter in place
·         A change of clothes (warm enough for the winter)
·         A sleeping bag or warm blanket
·         A pair of boots
·         A hat and gloves
·         Personal hygiene supplies
·         Antibacterial hand wipes

*Remember to rotate water, food, medicine, and batteries at least every two years.

And now let us be wise and look forward to these things, and do that which will make for the peace of this people. -Mosiah 29:10

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