Sunday, March 31, 2013

Emergency Preparedness Procedures by College

In the Provident Living Survey you took a few months ago, some respondents shared that their school has their emergency preparedness under control. Before you go assuming that your school has a giant fault of food storage somewhere underneath the campus, check out its emergency preparedness tools here.
Boston University
BU has designated emergency assembly areas like the GSU and Agganis arena. They have also provided information on disaster supplies kits, which should be prepared in case of an emergency. The medical campus also has emergency assembly areas (click on the “Emergency Assembly Areas” sub link on the right side of the page).

Harvard has a slew of information, including checklists for each type of natural disaster, evacuation plans, and information for business and departments to help them be disaster ready. Much of the information is password-secured, so feel free to peruse on your own!                                                                       

Boston College
BC has a print-out PDF that contains an overview of disasters than can happen in the area, helpful phone numbers, evacuation procedures, and an emergency supply kit checklist.

Be sure to update your contact information on Emerson’s Emergency Notification System (ENS), so the school can communicate with you in the event of the disaster. Also check out the evacuation plan for each building on campus, and the PDF Emergency Response Guide for various disaster situations. Emerson also has awesome safety resources like a police escort service and self-defense classes.
Update your contact information on MIT Alert and prepare and emergency kit from the list. Also, be sure you check out shelter-in-place and evacuation info.

Be sure to update your contact information on Northeastern’s alert system. Also, check out Northeastern University’s Public Safety Division (the link is halfway down the page) for health and safety resources. (For example, did you know there is a BBQ Request Form? True Story).

Check out Tuft’s comprehensive and easily-navigable Emergency Response Guide. You can even request a paper copy of the guide. Oh, and don’t forget to like TuftsReady on Facebook.

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